Saturday, 29 August 2015

British Birdfair!

Had a great weekend at the British Birdfair last weekend with Dylan and John who'd come over from South Africa, and Greg who'd come up from London. We were all there representing Birding Ecotours for the event, talking to a great many people about our exciting range of upcoming tours around the world. It was a really enjoyable weekend catching up with familiar faces and lots of new ones too.

Thanks to everyone who came and said hello!

As well as been a great event for meeting people it was also great to be able to help contribute towards the conservation aims of the fair. This years focus was on protecting migrating birds in the eastern Mediterranean.

First morning getting our stand set up

Some great photos from the BE guides helping to decorate our stand

Some great photos from the BE guides helping to decorate our stand
Me patrolling the booth!

Dylan and John representing for BE (and Women for Conservation)

John on an adventure chasing a Song Thrush that got away!

John after tackling the Rutland jungle

Me and John on Sunday before his excellent talk on his Southern African Big Year.

Now the conservation issues of much of the Mediterranean, and much further afield:




Saturday, 8 August 2015

Spain Trip Report: Iberian Lynx and Birds

In April this year I had an excellent (and successful) week or so over in Spain (Andaulsia) looking for Iberian Lynx and a range of quality birds. On my return I put a brief blog post together HERE about some of the highlights from the trip, which included views of two Iberian Lynx and a lot of birds.

This really was an enjoyable scouting trip for Birding Ecotours. I've finally got round to writing my trip report up and it can be found below.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Australia Trip Report

Well, I've finally got round to completing my trip report for my Australia Birding Trip from November 2014. I was in South Australia for 17 days and then Queensland for 12 days. It was a seriously great trip as anyone who's spoken with me since I got back will know. I really loved it over there.

I recorded 435 species of birds and over 40 species of mammals and 40 species of reptiles. The whole natural experience was incredible - all set in some very impressive landscapes with some great friends. For quick reference to go with this trip report (which contains a lot of photos) here are the quick links to the pages of photos I've previously added (just click on the bullet point):
I'll be heading back to Australia this October and November to lead an exciting Birding Ecotours trip so very much looking forward to seeing lots of this amazing wildlife again! Details of Australia Tours here - a couple of places left for 2015 or how about joining me in 2016!

The 2014 trip report is below, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to drop me an email: