Tuesday, 18 July 2017

New Zealand Birding Trip

I spent a week in New Zealand between my October Pacific Islands Tour, and my East Coast Australia Tour. Here are some of my highlights from my first trip to this interesting land. I was based on North Island, though I took a trip out to Tiritiri Matangi and did a nice boat trip out one day too. Look forward to going back and doing it properly and visiting the south island too next time!

Little Spotted Kiwi

New Zealand Storm-Petrel

Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet colony


Buller's Shearwater

Cook's Petrel

Fairy Prion

Flesh-footed Shearwater

New Zealand Dabchick

New Zealand Pigeon

New Zealand Scaup

North Island Kokako

North Island Robin

North Island Saddleback

Northern Giant Petrel

Paradise Shelduck

Red-crowned Parakeet




Variable Oystercatcher

White-capped Albatross

White-faced Storm-Petrel

White-fronted Tern



Thursday, 6 July 2017

2016 and 2017 Bringing it up to date!

I'm still alive!!!

The irony of the last few years of having a blog, keeping up with posting regularly when at times I've had little to do or say, but now when I've got loads of interesting birding stories, photos etc. I've just not been finding the time to post on here! So sorry about that (if anyone's actually noticed I'd been away!) Please do come and follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AWBirder) Twitter/Instagram (AWBirder) to keep up to date on my birding adventures - and lots of photos etc!

I've still got to catch up here on so many things.... Back end of 2016 trips to New Zealand, Australia, Thailand. Then I've got to talk about my 2017 birding- the first 6 months! Where have they gone? So far in 2017 I've birded in (in order of occurrence).. Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, UK!, Thailand (again), Costa Rica, UK, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, USA, Colombia (again), Peru, USA (again), UK (a rest), Iceland, and now I'm currently in Thailand (again)! The second half of the year is looking likely to be fairly busy too. More on that later...

Here's a summary in pics/links to trip reports for 2016/2017 - I'll add more here as and when I can!

Getting together a decent year list as well - currently 1,891 for 2017.


Australia - 2016 Trip Report: http://birdingecotours.com/trip-reports/australia

Plains Wanderer - a highlight on a great tour. visiting Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria and NSW.

Wandering Albatross - my first ever pelagic trip was insane - loads of Albatrosses! 

Blue-breasted Fairywren - a highlight of my SW Scouting trip ahead of 2017 trip.

New Zealand  - Trip Report still to come!

New Zealand Storm Petrel was the star bird of a day on the water!

Thailand - a bit of relaxing on the beach...

Nicobar Pigeon - a spectacular lifer as I was sunbathing on a beach!


Serendib Scops Owl - enough said! 

U.K. - A fleeting visit to sort out a visa resulted in me seeing the Pine Bunting near my house that Chris found! Great find mate - thank you for the unexpected lifer!

Pine Bunting - a MEGA lifer just near my house during the only 4 days I was at home in the first 6 months of the year!

Thailand - 2017 Trip Report: http://birdingecotours.com/trip-reports/thailand 

Siberian Rubythroat - Never get tired of these!

Costa Rica - 2017 Trip Report http://birdingecotours.com/trip-reports/costa-rica 

A fantastic tour - 498 species in 12.5 days and then some personal birding for a bit afterwards

Gartered Trogon - this one showed very well outside his nest.

Colombia - report to come - but WOW fantastic country

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta - WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!

USA - Check out my blog post on the Birding Ecotours website here: http://birdingecotours.com/the-biggest-week-in-american-birding-may-2017/

Bald Ealge - two nesting pairs where I was birding most days was a nice sight.

Peru - Trip Report to come - ended up co-finding a very rare bird for Peru, Hudson's Black Tyrant, potentially the third record for the country and the first ever of a male - will post about this in more detail when I get some further information, but we were rather pleased with our find!

Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (phone-scoped) - Just one of the best waders on the planet!

Iceland - Check out my blog post on the Birding Ecotours website here: http://birdingecotours.com/iceland-23rd-30th-june-2017/

Harlequin Duck - cracking views of this male.

Red-necked Phalarope - one of many, many of these beautiful waders seen.

There's hundreds of photos from each of these countries on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages with details on many of the sightings so please take a look there! When I get time I'll add more details on each of the above, and my upcoming 2017 trips (Thailand, Uganda, Australia, and West Papua). 

Cheers, Andy