Wednesday, 22 February 2012

An Interesting Look at a Kestrel...

Monday mornings drive to work was interesting for a number of reasons. I've touched on the singing Corn Bunting (which, as expected was still on his post this morning. 3 days and counting!). However the main interest was in a strange mix of birds: Blackbird, Common Gull and Kestrel. What do these birds all have in common? Well they were all road collision victims on the country lanes I drive between mine and York.

I've found a few interesting birds in the last year on the roads in the area such as Lesser Black-backed Gull, Green Woodpecker and Great Tit! I try and stop, (where safe!) to check them for rings etc.

The Common Gull was a bit of a mess and the Blackbird was too dangerous to stop for, however the Kestrel was not in too bad condition so I grabbed it. I thought there was quite a good chance it may be ringed but unfortunately it wasn't. It was also good to be able to see this species up close and personal, just a shame it was not still alive!

Back home I grabbed some photographs of the bird.

Kestrel - side view

Kestrel - open wing upperside

Kestrel - Close-up of primary coverts

Kestrel - back view spread tail

Kestrel - spread tail

Kestrel - the feet

Kestrel - underwing (secondary/inner wing)

Kestrel - underwing (primaries)

Kestrel - chest and flanks

Kestrel - back rump and tail


  1. Andy the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme are always interested in receiving Kestrels, Owls etc for analysis if you still retain the corpse (and they pay postage).

  2. Thanks Alan, good to know. It is definitely not in my freezer ;-)
    I'll check out their website and see what I can sort out. Cheers, Andy

  3. I think you ought to do a post on that whitethroat you found at Bishop?

  4. Cheers Rich - I would love to, if only there was some photos....
