From Swantail Hide a flock of waders caught my eye as they flew in, at least 43 Black-tailed Godwit. There also appeared to be about 20 Ruff. One Ruff had an amazing white head and looked like the bird below:

Ruff © Arjan Haverkamp 2009
Other waders seen included Curlew (15+), Dunlin (c.25), Redshank (10+) and Oystercatcher (2). I bumped into a guy who thought he'd seen a Whimbrel but I could only see Curlew. Wildfowl was plentiful with large numbers of Gadwall noted along with, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Pintail, Shelduck, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Mallard, Mute Swan, Greylag and Canada Goose etc. 7 Buzzard were noted up at once at one stage. Swantail was nice as it was out of the wind and it meant lots of close ups as the birds were trying to stay out of the wind too! I got a couple of flyover Siskin on my return to the car park and Meadow Pipits were passing over fairly regularly..
At about 3pm I headed over to Skipwith to see if I could catch up with the Great Grey Shrike again. As soon as I stepped out of the car I was greeted by the Shrike sat atop the small Holly bush that I'd spent 2 hours looking at in vein last Sunday! I decided to walk along the footpath and work my way into a better angle to observe the bird. Once in place I stood amongst some trees and watched it for a good hour. It was feeding on the odd Bumble bee, but was catching a lot less that when I saw it earlier in the week. After a few feeding attempts the bird choughed up a small pellet and then started feeding again. Gradually the bird started moving closer and closer to me in it's pursuit of food as it worked down the hedge parallel to me. Eventually I got some great views. Patience and fieldcraft certainly paid off!!! I got the following pictures on my PHONE, I just wished I'd got a decent camera as I would have nailed this bad boy! Not the greatest pictures but it gives an idea of the kind of views I was getting at eye level.

Great Grey Shrike © Andy Walker 2011

Great Grey Shrike © Andy Walker 2011

Great Grey Shrike © Andy Walker 2011

Great Grey Shrike © Andy Walker 2011
Also had a couple of Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers here.
Awesome shots mate!
ReplyDeleteGarganey tomorrow I reckon...
Cheers Jono
Cheers Jono, I was hoping for one today but it was so cold I think they may have turned back south!!!