Whilst the east coast has been sinking under the weight of migrant birds I decided to visit the west coast! Well when I say decided I really mean work sent me over that way and I couldn't get out of it! Nevermind, I wasn't too worried as i haven't 'needed' anything yet so didn't feel too upset about driving the wrong way and into Lancashire again.
A range of surveys including some nocturnal surveys were the order of the visit, which went fairly well, apart from getting a roasting from a Tw*t of a gamekeeper who'd not been told I was coming onto the site - turns out he's not as important as he thinks he is!! After the way he shouted at me he was lucky there was a ditch between the two of us!
Highlight of the trip was definitely a single Swift that flew through the site in amongst several hundred Swallows, House and Sand Martins. In addition to these, a single Osprey drifting southeast over the site was another good bird to add to the increasingly large site list (and a new 'work' tick for me!). Walking about the site it was clear that autumn is on its way/here with plenty of Meadow Pipit, Chaffinch, Grey, Yellow and Pied Wagtail all noted heading south. (Tree Pipit was also recorded south but not seen by me this time). Amongst the birds dropping in a couple of unidentified distant chats were noted briefly before being lost, then a couple of Wheatear were also found. Lapwing, Curlew and Snipe appeared to be building up and the first Teal of the autumn were recorded.
I'm looking forward to heading back there in a couple of weeks, if only to take my terriers to have some fun with the gamekeepers Pheasants and Partridge!!!

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