After the spectacular views of the Upland Sandpiper we were both pretty much on a high! I got a call from Andy Vinson letting me know that the Wilson's Snipe was on show down at Lower Moors so we set off down there as quickly as we could. On getting to the ISBG hide we were pleased to find only one other guy in there, but alas no Snipes of any sort! A wait of around 30 minutes was fairly relaxed, we were told the birds had walked out of view but were likely to still be present and sure enough first the Wilson's Snipe and then two Common Snipe walked into view.
It was a really educational bird and it was great to be able to compare it with the Common Snipe and even better it was only about 20ft away! We continued to watch the bird for well over an hour, gradually ticking off all of the key features. I managed to get a couple of shots on my phone (below), not the greatest but it gives the general impression of the bird...

Wilson's Snipe - Lower Moors (Phonescoped)

Wilson's Snipe - Lower Moors (Phonescoped)

Wilson's Snipe - Lower Moors (Phonescoped)

Wilson's Snipe - Lower Moors (Phonescoped)
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