Mid-afternoon I got a [much appreciated] phone call from Mr Zing informing me there was an Osprey sat on a fence post at North Duffield! I was checking on the horse at the time at Escrick so knew I was at least 20 minutes away... would it stick?
I raced back, typically getting stuck behind 3 tractors en-route! A quick run down to the hide, one space left to sit down, and there it was sat at the back of the reserve eating a massive fish! I managed to get a good half hour watching as it ate its afternoon tea. This was my first on the local patch and also my first in the York Area too (and a year tick). I've had several in the neighbouring Harrogate area so guessed it was only a matter of time, and this was, funnily enough, the subject of conversation yesterday between me and a few other local birders!
Anyway, I managed a couple of record shots on my phone (below)

Osprey North Duffield Carrs (Phone-scoped)

Osprey North Duffield Carrs (Phone-scoped)

Osprey North Duffield Carrs (Phone-scoped)
This evening I had another quick half-hour back in the hide and the Osprey was still present, however while I was scanning Bubwith (enjoying a flock of over 100 hirundines - 95% Swallow and 5% Sand Martin) it vanished!
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