Tuesday 31 December 2019

Eastern Australia Birding

After birding in the south, center and north of Australia (Victoria, South Australia, and Northern Territory) I moved over to Queensland and New South Wales for several weeks birding.

I love the birding in Queensland and this time I spent about a week at the incredible O'Reilly's Rainforest Resort, visited the very dry southwest of the state, spent time traveling around the Atherton Tablelands, and had a couple of trips out onto the Great Barrier Reef. So many cool birds all over the place, and loads of unique animals too.... In New South Wales I birded around and to the south of Sydney - another great city for birding.

Here are some pics (scan down for some animals too...)

Southern Cassowary

Yellow-breasted Boatbill

Wonga Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

Spotted Catbird

Tawny Frogmouth

Victoria's Riflebird

White-eared Monarch

Scarlet Myzomela

Satin Bowerbird

Russet-tailed Thrush

Regent Bowerbird

Paradise Riflebird

Paradise Riflebird

Papuan Frogmouth

Glossy Black Cockatoo

Golden Bowerbird

Green Catbird

Noisy Pitta

Eastern Bristlebird

Crimson Rosella

Bridled Honeyeater

Bassian Thrush

Australian Logrunner

Australian Bustard

Albert's Lyrebird

Albert's Lyrebird




Short-beaked Echidna

Green Turtle

Green Turtle

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